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Faculty Development Program

The Faculty Development Program (FDP) is carefully designed to bridge the gap in quality research and teaching skills that are required in contemporary management education in India. The Program aims at enhancing the academic and intellectual environment in the Institutions by providing faculty members with enough opportunities to pursue research and also to participate in seminars, conferences, workshops. Participation in such programs would enable faculty members to update their research and pedagogical skills.

Faculty development program (FDP) has been considered as a stand-alone educational pedagogy in fostering knowledge and professional skills of faculty, Faculty vitality is the main ingredient to enhance professional education and competence. Enriching the faculty vitality in key domains of teaching, assessing, research, professionalism, and administration is perceived to improve educational environment significantly and enhances the academic performance of learners

Key focus areas of this program include

Case and Teaching Skill Development
Research Methodology
Research Skill Development
Perspectives on Management
Area wise specialization courses

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